Friday, October 30, 2009

A Day of Good AND Bad News

I'll start with the good news first.

Here are my grades for the first semester of my third year in college. :)
I'm qualified for the Dean's List once again. YAY. :)

I was not actually expecting that, really. This semester had been such a pain in the behind for me. And I must admit, and I'm not being conceited, that I haven't been performing very well this sem. You see, this semester, I've developed a habit of coming to class LATE, especially the 7am ones? Oh my. I even skipped classes. Also, my drawing plates in HoA were not that nice. They were not done with enough effort, with the effort I've exerted doing my plates back when I was in my Freshman year? It's nowhere near that.. Also in SM, and in BU, I'm like "bahala na" when it comes to those subjects.

I dunno, I guess I'm just lucky that I still have this thought in the back of my stubborn head, that I cannot give away that easily the reputation I've established during the past years, which forced me to do good in the Finals. xD
Better late than never. eh? :)

With such a wobbly performance, I've been rewarded with above average grades. So it feels good 'cause I know I can do better.

Well, this was definitely NOT the best sem for me, grade and effort wise, but I'm glad I'm still on track. :)


Kpop Convention was rescheduled: DECEMBER 5, 2009, in Alabang.

I'm from Antipolo, I study in Manila, and neither is near Alabang!!!!
PLUS December 5 is a Saturday, and it sucks, 'cause I just got my schedule, and I HAVE SATURDAY classes, from 7am-8pm.
And as much as i want to, I CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T skip Saturday classes because I have my Design course scheduled on that day, plus 4 other subjects. :(

Now how UNCOOL is that??!!!

But I'm losing hope already. :(

Now I don't know what to feel about today. :(

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